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What’s Happening

Reuse Recyclable Materials for STEM!
Reuse Recyclable Materials for STEM!

12/13/18 Rogers Elementary

Students reuse materials to create and design...then recycle them when done!

Recycle Water Bottles in Lunchroom
Recycle Water Bottles in Lunchroom

12/13/18 Rogers Elementary

Remember to always recycle your water bottles!

Water Cycle and Conservation
Water Cycle and Conservation

12/13/18 Rogers Elementary

The Science Museum did a wonderful residency with us this year! We learned about how to reduce water pollution.

Reusing Magnets
Reusing Magnets

12/11/18 Zimmerman Elementary

Don’t throw magnet cut-outs!

Reusing Magnets
Reusing Magnets

12/11/18 Zimmerman Elementary

Science Museum residency
Science Museum residency

12/10/18 Rogers Elementary

What will you learn?...


12/10/18 Zimmerman Elementary


Marker Recycling
Marker Recycling

12/03/18 Twin Lakes Elementary

Keeping more items out of the landfill, Twin Lakes participates in the Crayola Marker Recycling Program


12/03/18 Twin Lakes Elementary

Staff recycle cans and plastic in the lounge as well as paper products.

The Media Center is Reusing Books
The Media Center is Reusing Books

11/14/18 Salk Middle

Take a book, leave a book--let’s reuse the books!
